What is Good Nutrition? Nutrition for a Healthy Life

What is Good Nutrition? Nutrition for a Healthy Life

Most of us know a thing or two about good healthy eating habits. It mostly involves less fried food, less sugar and taking in more veggies and fruits. But what about having good nutrition? Well, that’s a topic many don’t know and don’t know how to go about it.

Nutrition studies how certain foods and drinks affect your body. That’s why it plays a big role in your healthy lifestyle. The secret to both physical and emotional well-being is proper diet. A balanced diet is essential to everyone’s overall health. The type and quantity of food you eat has an impact on your bodily functions and emotions.

Let’s look at why it’s important to eat a nutritious diet.

Ways Good Nutrition Boosts Your Health

Here’s how healthy eating can make you feel alive:

Bodyguard Power: Here, you need to go for fruits, veggies and whole grains. Why? These three are fully packed with vitamins and minerals which are the components you need to help you fight off sickness and stay healthy.
Strong and Steady: A well-balanced diet promotes tissue growth and repair. So ensure you go for foods with enough proteins.
Happy Mood: Ever heard what you eat should make you happy? Well, if what you have on your plate isn’t putting a smile on your face then it’s time to switch it up. What we eat naturally boosts our mood and health. So the next time you go for a snack, pick something that will make you happy!

Do you want to keep your body strong and healthy? Look into nutrition coaching. A coach will work with you closely to help you come up with a personalised plan fit for your body.

How Do You Achieve Good Nutrition in Your Diet?

Each food category delivers unique nutrients and advantages, therefore a well-balanced diet that incorporates foods from all categories is necessary. Here are the various dietary categories to keep in mind.

Fruits And Veggies

Produce comes in a variety of forms and is a great source of vitamins and minerals that support healthy bodily processes and guard against chronic illnesses. Eat fruits and vegetables whole to acquire the most nutrients possible.

For instance, take a whole apple or banana instead of blending the ingredients to create a smoothie. Your body will thank you!

Whole Grains

You’ve probably come across this term displayed on different foods in the supermarket. Have you ever asked yourself why?

Whole grains such as brown bread or rice are forms of unrefined carbohydrates. What does this mean? They are fully packed with healthy fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This means that when you take in a piece of brown bread and tea in the morning, you won’t have any problems with digestion.

Next time you are in the supermarket, switch up that KG of rice with brown rice and you won’t be disappointed. Or even grab a bag of oats.


Eat enough proteins! A phrase we’ve all learned and heard from teachers, parents as well as doctors. If you want to build and repair your body tissues, then protein is what you are lacking from your diet. But how do I know I am eating enough proteins? Or rather what I am eating is indeed proteins.

Some great protein sources are red meat (from animals), fish, beans and of course dairy products (like yogurt or eggs). Now that you are on the know, ensure you include some protein in every meal. This will help keep your energy levels stable all day. For more protein info and other nutrients, explore the different therapies that can help you.


Every individual has unique dietary needs based on their age, gender, degree of physical activity, general health, and way of life. So, why not talk to a dietitian and come up with the amount of nutrients you need in your body?

If you want a healthy lifestyle, ensure you eat a well-balanced diet. There’s no way around it!